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The Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education
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The Micro-Evaluator
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A tool for recognising micro-credentials for admission officers, credential evaluators, and anyone interested in the recognition of micro-credentials. Learn how to evaluate micro-credentials with this application.
Expertise centre for the recognition of foreign diplomas
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We actively promote and support fair and simple comparisons of diplomas. We remove unnecessary obstacles that come up when comparing diplomas. But as a centre of expertise, we do much more.
Our international projects as the Dutch ENIC-NARIC
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As the Dutch ENIC-NARIC, our task is to uphold and implement the Lisbon Recognition Convention in the Dutch context. The ENIC-NARIC network is the main international platform for the recognition of foreign qualifications.
CALOHE2 (2020-2021)
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The project Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe – Phase 2 (CALOHE2) is the second phase in the creation of a framework to test the performance of higher education students across Europe. The project builds on the outcomes of the first phase (CALOHEE).
ARENA (2020-2022)
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The goal of the project ARENA is to enhance the mobility, employability and access to further studies for refugees, displaced persons and persons in a refugee-like situation, including those without official documentation of their educational background.
DEQAR CONNECT (2017-ongoing)
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Enhancing the Coverage and Connectivity of QA in the EHEA Through DEQAR (DEQAR) is an online database with more than 30,000 external quality results, covering over 2,000 higher education institutions in 39 member countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
FaBoTo+ (2019-2021)
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The project Facilitating the use of Bologna Tools (FaBoTo+) aims to support Dutch higher education institutions (HEIs) and quality assurance organisations in their implementation of the Bologna tools.
FraudS+ (2020-2022)
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The project False Records, Altered Diploma and Diploma Mills Qualifications Collection (FraudS+) will improve the database created under the FraudSCAN project containing samples of anonymised falsified qualifications and qualifications issued by Diploma Mills.
I-AR (concluded)
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The project Implementation of Automatic Recognition in the Networks (I-AR), which ran from 2020 to 2023, formed an important next step in the achievement of automatic recognition in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
IMPACT (concluded)
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The project Quality and Impact of the Recognition Networks (IMPACT), which ran from 2016 to 2018, aimed to enhance the impact of the ENIC-NARIC networks on recognition practices in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
NARIC Online Training Course (ongoing)
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We have been offering our NARIC Online Training Course for credential evaluators every year since 2004. The course aims to improve recognition practices by providing participants with background knowledge on best practices in the field, based on the Lisbon Recognition Convention and the Bologna Process.
qENTRY+ (2020-2022)
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The project International Database on Higher Education Entry Qualifications (qENTRY+) strives to encourage the automatic recognition of higher education qualifications and of upper secondary qualifications.
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