CALOHE2 (2020-2021)

Central to the project is the development of internationally recognised Programme Learning Outcome assessments (PLOs). Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) will be able to use these external measurement tools to determine if students have achieved the learning outcomes that are intended for a certain bachelor’s or master’s programme.
An internationally recognised PLO assessment framework will benefit students, HEIs, employers and society as a whole. It will create a level playing field for HEIs, as public trust in the quality of study programmes will come to rely on the evidence generated through the external PLO assessment.
The following activities will be conducted under the CALOHE2 project:
- The PLOs of higher education programmes currently offered at higher education institutions will be investigated and matched with the previously developed CALOHEE Frameworks.
- Best practices in the assessment of programme learning outcomes will be collected.
- Further international agreement will be built with regard to the CALOHEE Reference Qualifications Frameworks.
Contact and more information
For more information about CALOHE2 please contact the project coordinators, Ms Jenneke Lokhoff, and Mr Bas Wegewijs, by filling in our contact form or calling +31 (0)70 4260 260.