DEQAR has been conceived and developed by EQAR since 2017 to enhance the transparency and accessibility of quality assurance results. The database has been welcomed at the Paris Communiqué, where the EHEA signatories agreed to promote this online tool. The DEQAR CONNECT project is the next phase in the development and usage of the database.


  • The content of the database will be expanded to EHEA countries that are currently not covered. Agencies for quality assurance will be supported and counseled in linking up with DEQAR.
  • Submitting data to DEQAR will be made more efficient for all participating agencies.
  • The project strives to improve connectivity by exploring new opportunities to use DEQAR data. For example, it will be investigated how the data can be integrated in the workflow of credential evaluation and used for the Europass Accreditation Database.

For more information on DEQAR CONNECT, visit the (link is external)project’s website.


DEQAR CONNECT is co-funded by Erasmus+. Nuffic is one of the NARIC partners of the project, together with:

  • NARIC Italy (lead)
  • NARIC France
  • NARIC Romania

The other partners are:

  • European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
  • European Students Union (ESU)
  • European University Association (EUA)
  • European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE)

Contact and more information

For more information about DEQAR CONNECT please contact the project coordinators, Ms Jenneke Lokhoff and Mr Bas Wegewijs, by filling in our contact form or calling +31 (0)70 4260 260.