WANA - News & highlights
April 2023
Ambassador Daifallah Alfayez of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Mr. Omar Fayez Zaidan visit Nuffic
Our director Titia Bredée was delighted to extend a warm welcome to His Excellency Ambassador Daifallah Alfayez of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Mr. Omar Fayez Zaidan, first secretary, during their recent visit to Nuffic headquarters in the Hague. During their meeting, the director had the privilege of learning about the substantial number of Jordanian students currently studying in the Netherlands. They shared a mutual desire to provide the future generations of Jordan with a solid education that would equip them with the necessary skills to succeed in the labour market.The director and Nuffic staff from the West Asia North Africa office presented all the programmes and projects in Jordan. Collectively Nuffic was deeply impressed by the Ambassador's humanitarian efforts to aid refugees. They expressed their admiration for the Ambassador's tireless dedication to this cause and were pleased to be able to collaborate with the Embassy on projects aimed at improving the education of refugees. Overall, it was a productive and insightful meeting that highlighted the shared commitment of the Nuffic and the Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan towards promoting quality education and enhancing opportunities for students and refugees alike.

March 2023
Key stakeholders meeting in Jordan in the TVET sector.
Nuffic West Asia North Africa office hosted a key stakeholders meeting in Jordan in the TVET sector. Colleagues from the Hague office made a working visit, joined by project partners from Lebanon. The conference centered on discussing the challenges and opportunities related to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Jordan.
The meeting provided a valuable opportunity to share insights and perspectives on the latest trends and challenges facing TVET, as well as the critical role it plays in promoting economic growth and sustainable development in Jordan. Participants engaged in constructive discussions, exchanging views on how to strengthen TVET, improve the quality of education, and enhance the employability of graduates. As the event came to a close, the Nuffic programme development team leader extended an open invitation to all stakeholders to Nuffic Global Development for future collaboration, partnerships, and knowledge exchange. The team leader emphasized the importance of building lasting partnerships and leveraging shared expertise to ensure sustainable, long-term impact for TVET in Jordan and the wider region. Overall, the meeting proved to be a fruitful and engaging platform for key stakeholders to connect, share ideas, and collaborate towards advancing TVET in Jordan. It demonstrated Nuffic's commitment to supporting the development of high-quality education and training, which is essential for creating a brighter future for Jordan's youth and promoting inclusive economic growth in the region.

December 2022
OKP Partner meeting in Cairo
The Orange Knowledge Programme #OKP Partners Meeting took place in Cairo in December 2022, where attendees had the opportunity to hear testimonials and project updates from several partners working on projects in the fields of environment, food, nutrition, and agriculture. These projects are funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic Global Development. The Nuffic staff from Nuffic West Asia North Africa office organised this event with collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Egypt.