Nuffic leads EU-ASEAN collaboration in education with new SCOPE-HE Programme

Nuffic, in collaboration with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), is proud to launch the EU-ASEAN Sustainable Connectivity Package in Higher Education (SCOPE-HE) in July 2024. This €9.3 million initiative funded by the European Union leverages the strength of EU collaborations to enhance education and research connectivity across the ASEAN region and beyond. Building on the successes of the SHARE programme, SCOPE-HE aims to strengthen people-to-people connections through a focus on education, research, university networks, and Technical and Vocational Education and Training.
Ambitious goals for a sustainable future
With a long history of fostering connections between EU and ASEAN member states, Nuffic and DAAD will elevate their collaboration through the new SCOPE-HE programme. The programme builds on their extensive experience, creating powerful synergies with the ASEAN Secretariat and Southeast Asian regional organisations. Additionally, SCOPE-HE aims to boost gender equality, women's empowerment, digital skills, and green skills, driving impactful change across the region.
“SCOPE-HE represents a significant step forward in EU-ASEAN relations. By fostering deeper connections and enhancing educational frameworks, we are paving the way for a more collaborative and innovative future.” – Peter van Tuijl, Director Nuffic Southeast Asia.

Spanning four years with a six-month inception phase, the programme encompasses all ASEAN Member States. Its ambitious goals align with key ASEAN frameworks, such as the ASEAN Work Plan on Education 2021-2025 and the Roadmap on the ASEAN Higher Education Space 2025. Furthermore, SCOPE-HE is poised to contribute meaningfully to Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and 13 (Climate Action).

Enhancing mobility, collaboration, and TVET
A core objective of SCOPE-HE is to enhance student and academic mobility across the ASEAN region and between ASEAN and the EU. By fostering dynamic policy dialogue and offering robust technical assistance, the programme unites educational institutions throughout ASEAN, striving for mutual recognition of qualifications and academic credits, and complementing the Erasmus+ programme.
The new EU-funded programme will also empower partners to tackle global challenges through enhanced research and technological connectivity. With ASEAN member states making impressive strides in research infrastructure and capabilities, the programme is set to boost collaboration and partnerships between universities, opening doors to joint research projects, knowledge sharing, and expertise exchange.
Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) plays a crucial role in the programme. SCOPE-HE will focus on aligning education with industry demands amid the transition to green technology and the digital economy. The programme revitalises TVET curricula to integrate cutting-edge digital skills and sustainable practices, equipping workers to adapt seamlessly to market shifts. Additionally, it spearheads the development of Labour Market Information services, internship and mentoring programmes, and actively engages the private sector in advancing VET and higher education.
Strategic collaboration for mutual growth
SCOPE-HE embodies a strategic initiative for the EU, built on genuine collaboration with Asian counterparts. This venture is not merely aid, but a proactive measure recognising the significance of Asia's future. It fosters trade and collaboration between the EU and ASEAN countries, highlighting mutual growth and knowledge exchange.
Nuffic's Southeast Asia office, situated in Jakarta, will play a vital role in managing and driving the programme. This office acts as a bridge between Dutch and Asian knowledge institutions, exemplifying the practical embodiment of the EU's strategic vision by facilitating the exchange of expertise, ideas, and resources.
Launch of the programme
Kicking off on the 17th of July 2024, the new programme will touch the lives countless students, academics, and professionals in both regions through different instruments and modules. The programme will be launched in the presence of H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General of ASEAN and H.E. Sujiro Seam, EU Ambassador to ASEAN in Jakarta. Key stakeholders from across ASEAN and the EU, including representatives from government, education institutions, the private sector and international organisations are welcome to register before 10 July for joining the launch event.
With Nuffic's role as a leading facilitator in education and DAAD as a partner in this programme, SCOPE-HE promises a future of enhanced education, sustainability, and mutual growth for all involved in the EU and ASEAN region. The new programme stands as a beacon of collaborative educational and vocational advancement between the EU and ASEAN.
Nuffic’s role in SCOPE-HE
As an EU pillar assessment organisation, Nuffic will lead SCOPE-HE, working closely with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to achieve its objectives. Want to know more about the details of this collaboration? Read more on the programma page of SCOPE-HE.