International programmes

The programmes that we manage – mostly funded by the Dutch government - are designed to match our government's goals for development aid and education.
Programmes funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Programmes funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science:
Besides programmes from the Dutch Government, we are also consortium partners in the following programmes funded by the European Union:
Nuffic also serves as the Dutch National Agency for Erasmus+ on behalf of the European Commission:
We also manage programmes that are funded by the private sector, such as:
- AON scholarships
- Desmond Fortes scholarships
- DUTEP - bilateral programme funded by private sector & the Dutch embassy in Indonesia
- VSB Scholarships
Programmes previously managed by Nuffic:
- StuNed - bilateral cooperation between the Dutch and Indonesian government
- Van Gogh Scholarship (permanantly inactive)
- NN Future Matters scholarships
- Wim Deetman Scholarship
- Orange Tulip Scholarship
New partnerships
We are always on the lookout for new partnerships in the international development and education field. Our aim is to improve the capacity of education institutions by setting up solid networks between public organisations and the private sector.
Would you like to collaborate with us?
EU Pillar Assessed
After an extensive external review we now have received the status “EU Pillar Assessed ". As an ‘EU Pillar Assessed’ organisation, we can engage in direct dialogue with EU Delegations and partner countries regarding the development and management of new collaboration programmes. Read more on this status and our ambitions.