Results of the Orange Knowledge Scholarships

The Orange Knowledge Programme offered Dutch institutions the opportunity to create an international classroom where students and staff can intensively learned from each other. In total, 38 institutions participated by offering an Orange Knowledge Scholarship through 400+ master’s programmes or short courses. As a result, 10.191 scholarship holders in 55 countries had the opportunity to increase their knowledge and skills, and implement it. This helped shape sustainable professional partnerships with organisations in Orange Knowledge countries.

All Orange Knowledge Scholarship holders were working in the field of one of the focus themes of the Orange Knowledge Programme:

  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights;
  • Security and Rule of Law;
  • Food and Nutrition Security;
  • Water.

Scholarship Tracer Study Report

Since the start of the programme in 2017, we have been monitoring the effects of the scholarships on recipients and their employers. The purpose was to gauge the extent to which the scholarships have enhanced the knowledge and skills of the professionals and the organisations they work for. In 2024, Nuffic carried out a tracer study to assess the mid- to long-term effects of the Orange Knowledge Scholarships on professional development and organisational strengthening in the partner countries. Read the results of this study in our tracer study report (10.59 MB).

Orange Knowledge Programme 2017 - 2024: Celebrating 7 years of impact

The Orange Knowledge Programme is celebrating 7 years of impact, partnerships and change makers. In this pocket guide to the impact of the Orange Knowledge Programme (13.41 MB), we take you along on our journey and share how orange knowledge has connected us all while giving you an overview of the results and impact.

More information

Code of Conduct

When we implemented the Orange Knowledge Programme, we acknowledged the Code of Conduct. In our Code of Conduct we describe how we put our mission and values into practice every day. We explain the professional and ethical behaviour that is expected from all of us and those who handle OKP individual scholarships.

Read our Code of Conduct