27 publicaties gevonden Fulltext search Filters Filter op publicatietype Verslagen & studies 27 Gebruik filter: Selecteer publicatietype Verslagen & studies 27 Filter op taal Nederlands 47 Engels 27 Gebruik filter: Selecteer taal Nederlands 47 Engels 27 Filter op onderwijssector Hoger onderwijs 27 Middelbaar beroepsonderwijs 5 Voortgezet onderwijs 2 Primair onderwijs 1 Gebruik filter: Selecteer onderwijssector Hoger onderwijs 27 Middelbaar beroepsonderwijs 5 Voortgezet onderwijs 2 Primair onderwijs 1 Zoekresultaten The Triangle of Automatic Recognition Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 27 februari 2020 De facto automatic recognition of foreign qualifications, one of the 4 automatic recognition models in the EHEA, is fairly easy to implement. This publication offers ENIC-NARICs and other competent authorities practical insights and guidelines on how to set up this model. The European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 27 februari 2020 This manual offers admission officers, academics and any other actors in higher education institutions practical recommendations on how to deal with recognition of foreign qualifications. Portability of recognition statements in the EHEA Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 27 februari 2020 This study explores the extent to which information provided in recognition statements from one country can be accepted by competent authorities of another and contribute to automatic recognition of information. Incoming degree student mobility in Dutch higher education 2018-2019 Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 29 maart 2019 The figures on university students coming from abroad to study in the Netherlands, for the year 2018-2019, with an overview of the current trends and developments. Theory of Change - Orange Knowledge Programme Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 13 april 2018 Description of the required interventions and envisaged outcomes of the Orange Knowledge Programme and the contexts in which these will take place. Recognition in Europe Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 28 februari 2018 Final report of the impact evaluation of the ENIC-NARIC networks A short path to automatic recognition - 4 models Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 19 februari 2018 Recommendations to support ENIC-NARIC centres and national governments to develop policies on the implementation of automatic recognition. Oops a MOOC! Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 19 februari 2018 Report on how to deal with eclectic learning in credential evaluation. International degree students in the Netherlands: a regional analysis Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 13 november 2017 This report describes the regional makeup of international student and graduate populations in the Netherlands. FAIR report Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 4 juli 2017 Final report with recommendations and implementation plans to improve institutional recognition practices in Belgium (Flanders), Croatia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain, on a national and European level. Update: Incoming student mobility in Dutch higher education 2016-17 Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 30 maart 2017 An analysis of the latest figures on incoming student mobility in Dutch higher education in the 2016-17 academic year. Incoming student mobility in Dutch higher education 2017-2018 Publicatie Publicatiedatum: 8 maart 2017 An analysis of the figures on incoming student mobility in Dutch higher education in the 2017-18 academic year. Involves international degree, credit and PhD students. Trend reports up to 12 years, since 2006-17. Toon meer resultaten Drukwerk Sommige publicaties zijn op papier beschikbaar. Die kun je hier bestellen. Bestel een publicatie