DigiRec (concluded)

How can digital student data solutions and digitization of the credential evaluation process support fair and smooth recognition in line with the Lisbon Recognition Convention?
That question was central to the DigiRec project, which systematically explored the relationship between digital student data and the recognition of foreign qualifications.
The project aimed to support ENIC-NARIC Networks to develop policy and processes and be better prepared for the ongoing digitization of student data.
For this project, a white paper on the digitization of student data and credential evaluation was produced for the Enic-Naric networks. This first draft was discussed with a group of 33 participants from 18 countries at a mini-conference in Tallinn, Estonia in May 2019.
The participants represented ENIC-NARICs, higher education institutions, public ICT organisations for education and student and accreditation organisations. The collected input was used to produce this final version of the white paper.
Funding and partners
The DigiRec Project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 3, NARIC call, of the European Union.
The DigiRec consortium is composed of the following representatives from the ENIC-NARIC Networks:
- Netherlands (Nuffic, coordinator)
- Estonia
- France
- Italy
- Norway
- Sweden
- Poland
- Canada
- EMREX (represented by the Norwegian Directorate for ICT and Joint Services in Higher Education & Research)
- Groningen Declaration Network
The result is a White Paper for the ENIC-NARIC networks that serves 3 purposes:
- create a broader understanding in the networks about the effects of digitization on their work;
- offer new policy perspectives, practical recommendations and guidelines;
- support individual centres and the networks to develop policies.
Contact and more information
For more information about DigiRec, please contact the project coordinators, Ms Jenneke Lokhoff and Mr Bas Wegewijs, by filling in the contact form or calling +31 (0)70 4260 260.