DigiLink (2023 – 2025)

The DigiLink project has two main objectives:
- map the common data elements of ENIC-NARIC recognition statements and develop a guide for ENIC-NARICs on how to use European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDC) to issue recognition statements in an open standard format, and
- investigate opportunities for integrating ENIC-NARIC information databases with higher education institution recognition workflows.
The project aims to support European standardisation efforts in digital credentialing as well as the digitalisation efforts of the participating ENIC-NARIC centers. It does this by laying a groundwork for further development of their information databases towards automated provision of recognition data to stakeholders and by enlarging the evidence base on digitalisation as a means to support automatic recognition.
DigiLink will conduct desk studies to understand the current landscape of recognition data sharing and develop a blueprint to achieve its goals. It will then collect and analyse examples of recognition statements to create a template structure based on the common data elements. This template structure will be used to develop a guide for ENIC-NARICs on how to create customised recognition statements as digital credentials. Finally, DigiLink will report on opportunities for integrating ENIC-NARIC databases with higher education institution recognition workflows.
Funding and partners
The DigiLink project is co-funded by Erasmus+ and coordinated by Nuffic. The consortium consists of the following partners:
Project team
- ENIC-NARIC The Netherlands (coordinator)
- ENIC-NARIC Estonia
- ENIC-NARIC Germany
Steering group
- EMREX (represented by Sikt)
- ENIC Canada
- Groningen Declaration Network (GDN)
Contact and more information
For more information about DigiLink please contact the project coordinator Ms Evelien Willems by filling in our contact form or calling +31 (0)70 4260 260.
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.