AR25 (2023-2025)

- Promoting the use of the Spotlight Self-Assessment tool
Quality assurance of recognition procedures is key to move to fair and smooth recognition in line with the LRC, and thus comply with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG) standard 1.4. Therefore, the European University Association recently developed the “Spotlight” tool, which allows higher education institutions (HEIs) to use a European instrument for the first time to assess the compliance of their recognition procedures with the LRC.
The AR25 project aims to further support the use of the tool, by organising a virtual conference open to HEIs, and then offering HEIs the opportunity to complete the tool together with peers under the guidance of the creators of the tool and ENIC-NARIC centres.
- Recognition of study periods in upper secondary education
This topic of recognition of learning periods in upper secondary education is an ambition of the European Education Area, but a new and relatively unexplored area. The AR25 project intends to explore this for the first time systematically by conducting a mapping of national arrangements, identifying good practices and areas that may require support. This will result in a report.
- Promoting the use of the Micro-Evaluator
The Micro-Evaluator is an open, online tool that was developed to smoothly and efficiently evaluate micro-credentials. The AR25 project focuses on disseminating the tool, by hosting a virtual conference on the recognition of micro-credentials open to higher education institutions and promoting the Micro-Evaluator. The tool will also be tested by HEIs to gather feedback for further improvement and (future) updates. The results of these activities will be published in a report.
- 4th edition of the EAR-HEI Manual
The EAR-HEI Manual is a comprehensive and practical translation of the LRC that has been guiding recognition professionals in their daily work for years. The manual will undergo its fourth update to reflect the recent notable developments in the field.
- EHEA qualifications table
The table was designed to support automatic recognition by providing a clear and concise overview of comparable degrees in the EHEA using the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). In AR25, the table will be further refined and updated. Additionally, the extent to which ENIC-NARICs are applying automatic recognition in practice will be mapped, resulting in a report.
Funding and partners
The AR25 project is co-funded by Erasmus+ KA3 NARIC call and coordinated by Nuffic. The consortium consists of the following partners:
Project team
- ENIC-NARIC Netherlands
- ENIC-NARIC Austria
- ENIC-NARIC Croatia
- ENIC-NARIC Estonia
- ENIC-NARIC Ireland
- ENIC-NARIC Lithuania
- ENIC Ukraine
Steering Group
- ENIC-NARIC Denmark
- The European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU)
- The European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA)
- The European University Association (EUA)
Contact and more information
For more information about AR25 please contact the project coordinator Ms Jenneke Lokhoff by filling in our contact form or calling +31 (0)70 4260 260.

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