Where do you apply for a credential evaluation?

You can apply for a free credential evaluation through the website of the Information Centre for Diploma Evaluation (IDW):

Apply for a credential evaluation

You usually receive your credential evaluation after at least 6 weeks. The government has appointed Nuffic and SBB to evaluate diplomas. IDW is the digital counter for our credential evaluations.

Have you lost your diploma?

You can also apply for a credential evaluation if you have lost your diploma and/or transcript. Please indicate this in your application. You will then receive additional questions about your study programme. Afterwards, you may receive an 'Indicatie Onderwijsniveau' ('Indication of Educational Level'). This is an estimation of the level of your education.

Were you unable to complete your study programme?

If you have completed at least 1 year of your study programme, please go to IDW for an application. We will then determine if we can make a educational evaluation (opleidingswaardering) for you. In this, we compare the completed part of your study programme with a part of a Dutch study programme.

What do you need for a credential evaluation?

You can only apply for a free credential evaluation if you have the following documents:

  • a residence permit for asylum from the IND; and
  • a letter from DUO about civic integration (inburgering). In Dutch, this letter is called: Kennisgeving inburgeringsplicht or Inburgeringsplicht. You will receive this letter after you have received your residence permit.

What is a credential evaluation?

A credential evaluation is a comparison of a foreign diploma (credential) to a Dutch diploma. A credential evaluation provides information about the level of your diploma or (part of a) study programme. This can be useful if you want to work or study in the Netherlands.

We compare foreign diplomas to Dutch diplomas according to the agreements of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC). The principle of the LRC: a foreign diploma is considered to have the same level as a Dutch diploma, unless there are substantial differences. Would you like to know more about the LRC? See the EAR manual.

Please note:

  • A credential evaluation is not legally binding. This means that Dutch universities and universities of applied science determine themselves which students they admit. And Dutch employers determine who they hire.
  • A credential evaluation is therefore not proof that you are allowed to work or study in the Netherlands.

Information about working and studying in the Netherlands

More information about working and studying in the Netherlands with a foreign diploma: