40 publications found Fulltext search Filters Filter publication type Reports & studies 34 PR materials 3 Brochures 2 About Nuffic 1 Use filter: Select publication type Reports & studies 34 PR materials 3 Brochures 2 About Nuffic 1 Filter document language English 40 Use filter: Select document language English 40 Filter education sector Higher education 40 Vocational education and training 11 Secondary education 7 Primary education 3 Use filter: Select education sector Higher education 40 Vocational education and training 11 Secondary education 7 Primary education 3 Search results International competence Publication Publication date: 11 November 2019 Brochure on international competence: what is it and why do you need it? Practitioner's guide for recognition of e-learning Publication Publication date: 11 October 2019 Introducing a step-by-step approach towards academic recognition of stand-alone e-learning. Incoming degree student mobility in Dutch higher education 2018-2019 Publication Publication date: 29 March 2019 The figures on university students coming from abroad to study in the Netherlands, for the year 2018-2019, with an overview of the current trends and developments. Holland Alumni network flyer - You did it! - 1 quote Publication Publication date: 19 July 2018 Flyer to encourage alumni to join the Holland Alumni network and to start a career in the Netherlands. Holland Alumni network flyer - You did it! - Career in Holland quote Publication Publication date: 19 July 2018 Flyer to encourage alumni to join the Holland Alumni network and to start a career in the Netherlands. Theory of Change - Orange Knowledge Programme Publication Publication date: 13 April 2018 Description of the required interventions and envisaged outcomes of the Orange Knowledge Programme and the contexts in which these will take place. Recognition in Europe Publication Publication date: 28 February 2018 Final report of the impact evaluation of the ENIC-NARIC networks Orange Knowledge Programme Publication Publication date: 23 February 2018 Flyer about the objectives and principles of the Orange Knowledge Programme. A short path to automatic recognition - 4 models Publication Publication date: 19 February 2018 Recommendations to support ENIC-NARIC centres and national governments to develop policies on the implementation of automatic recognition. Oops a MOOC! Publication Publication date: 19 February 2018 Report on how to deal with eclectic learning in credential evaluation. International degree students in the Netherlands: a regional analysis Publication Publication date: 13 November 2017 This report describes the regional makeup of international student and graduate populations in the Netherlands. Holland Alumni network flyer - You did it! - 2 quotes Publication Publication date: 18 August 2017 Flyer to encourage alumni to join the Holland Alumni network and to start a career in the Netherlands. Show more results