Will you also attend the EAIE conference 2024?

Nuffic is also participating in this year's EAIE conference, which will take place in Toulouse from 17 to 20 September 2024. Since the founding of EAIE in 1989, Nuffic has been involved in the annual conference.
As in previous years, Nuffic coordinates the NL-Pavilion. Here you can find us with a stand together with 26 Dutch higher education institutions.
The theme of this 34th edition is ‘En Route’ and there is again a diverse range of workshops and sessions to participate in. Nuffic will share its knowledge and insights during several sessions.
The sessions in which Nuffic representatives share their knowledge are:
• Should I stay or should I go? Post-graduation challenges for international alumni (poster session)
By Kasper van der Toon & Gijs Ybema
Wednesday 18 September, 14:30 - 16:00
• International students as ideal immigrants: How to raise international students’ contribution to the labour market
By Kumi Tempels in cooperation with Daad, Harno
Wednesday 18 September, 15:30 – 16:30
• Ignite©: Projects and partners
By Evelien Hack together with representatives of five universities
Thursday 19 September, 09.30 - 10.30
• Transforming international student services with AI: En Route to an Innovative Future
By Virginia van der Ster in cooperation with Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Thursday 19 September, 11:30 - 12:30
• Campfire: Top tips to become an EAIE speaker
By Evelien Hack in cooperation with Joachim Ekstrom Uppsala University
Thursday 19 September, 13:00 - 13:30
• Myanmar: Academic collaboration in a politically sensitive context
By Rianne Hartemink in cooperation with DAAD, Campus France
Thursday 19 September, 14:00 - 15:00
• Perceptions of internationalisation’s impact: EAIE Barometer insights
Paneldiscussion with Florine Snethlage and representatives of two universities
Thursday 19 September, 14:00 – 15:00
• Supporting institutions on their IaH route: The potential of national agencies
By Anouk Vermeulen in cooperation with Swiss National Agency Movetia, Halmstad University
Thursday 19 September, 15:30 – 16:30
• The future of higher education in an increaslingly digital world
By Elisabeth te Hennepe in cooperation with Piet Van Hove, President EAIE and Senior Policy Advisor University of Antwerp & Märt Aro, Co-Founder DreamApply
Friday 20 September, 09:00 - 10:00
Registration for the EAIE-conference is now open
Registration for the conference can be done via the EAIE Toulouse 2024 website. Registration for the Nuffic sessions is not necessary.
More information?
We look forward to meeting you in our stand no. C25 or during one of our sessions. If you have any questions, please contact us by sending an email to Puck Dekker, pdekker@nuffic.nl.
On 8 October, Nuffic Connects organizes another online session to exchange insights after the EAIE. Keep an eye on our event page to register for this session: Nuffic Connects: What are we taking away from the EAIE?