Educational institutions and study programmes
Surinam educational institutions and study programmes
Below, we explain what types of educational institutions and study programmes there are in Surinam. We also explain how we check whether these are accredited. We check the to make sure that the quality is sufficient. We give the necessary information per educational sector.
An organisation checks and assesses the quality of education. Usually the accreditation is valid for a certain period. In some countries, accreditation is compulsory, in others it is voluntary. The government of a country often appoints one or more organisations responsible for accrediting institutions and/or study programmes. In addition, there are also private accreditation organisations. We only mention and (in the case of diploma evaluations) consult accreditation organisations appointed by the government of that country. Read more about accreditation in the EAR manual.
Secondary education | schools
Checking the accreditation of schools
In case of a Diploma Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (H.A.V.O), it is important to check if the school is accredited to offer H.A.V.O. In case of a Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (V.W.O.), the schools needs to be accredited to offer V.W.O. In the table below, you can find an overview of schools that are accredited to offer H.A.V.O. and/or V.W.O.
Schools accredited to offer H.A.V.O. | Schools accredited to offer V.W.O. |
Ad Fontes Lyceum | Ad Fontes Lyceum |
Avond Havo/Vwo Lelydorp | Algemene Middelbare School |
Avond Havo/Vwo Nickerie | A. A. Hoogedoorn Atheneum |
Avond Havo/Vwo Paramaribo | Avond Havo/Vwo Lelydorp |
Avond Havo Zuid-west | Avond Havo/Vwo Nickerie |
Christelijk HAVO | Avond Havo/Vwo Paramaribo |
H.A.V.O. III | E.P. Meyer Lyceum |
HAVO-IV | Kangoeroe High |
Henri Dahlbergschool | Mr. Dr. J.C. de Miranda Lyceum |
Openbaar Atheneum | Nassy Brouwer College |
Openbaar 3-jarig HAVO Talenprofiel | Scholengemeenschap Hanover |
Scholengemeenschap Hanover | Scholengemeenschap Henry Hassankhan |
Scholengemeenschap Henry Hassankhan | Scholengemeenschap Kwatta |
Scholengemeenschap Kwatta | Scholengemeenschap Maho |
Scholengemeenschap Maho | Scholengemeenschap Moengotapoe |
Scholengemeenschap Moengotapoe | Scholengemeenschap Nickerie |
Scholengemeenschap Nickerie | Scholengemeenschap Sanatan Dharm |
Scholengemeenschap Sanatan Dharm | Scholengemeenschap Tamanredjo |
Scholengemeenschap Tamanredjo | Scholengemeenschap VOS Welgedacht C |
Scholengemeenschap VOS Welgedacht C | V.W.O. 4 |
- | VWO4 - Dependence |
- | VWO-Gitaarstraat |
Please note:
- There are also schools that offer V.W.O. without being accredited to offer it. We cannot make a credential evaluation for a Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (V.W.O.) from those schools.
- Some schools offer education for diplomas from outside Surinam, such as an American high school diploma. For a credential evaluation, we check if these schools follow the regulations of the relevant country. For American high school diplomas from schools in Surinam, see Checking the accreditation of high schools.
Higher education | educational institutions
In Surinam, there are different types of higher education institutions:
- the Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname, which offers both and ; and
- specialised educational institutions, which offer HBO (and sometimes ).
Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname
The Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname (AdeKUS) is the only university in Surinam. Students can follow HBO and WO programmes in various fields of study here.
Specialised educational institutions
Specialised educational institutions offer HBO programmes, and sometimes MBO programmes as well. They do not offer WO programmes. These educational institutions specialise in a certain field of study or discipline, such as art or technology. The following specialised educational institutions are accredited in Surinam:
- the Academie voor Hoger Kunst en Cultuuronderwijs (AHKCO), which offers HBO programmes in beeldende kunst (visual arts), journalistiek en communicatie (journalism and communication) and sociaal-cultureel vormingswerk (social work);
- the Conservatorium van Suriname, which offers HBO programmes in the field of music;
- the FHR Institute for Higher Education (FHR), which offers HBO programmes in the field of business;
- educational institutions for teacher training programmes, such as:
- Avondopleiding De Nieuwe Leerkracht;
- Instituut voor de Opleiding van Leraren (IOL);
- Lerarenopleiding Beroepsonderwijs (LOBO);
- Pedagogisch Instituut Nickerie;
- Surinaams Pedagogisch Instituut.
- the Polytechnic College (PTC), which mainly offers technical HBO programmes;
- the Elsje Finck-Sanichar College COVAB, which offers, among others, the HBO programme in nursing;
- the Stichting Jeugdtandverzorging (JTV), which offers the HBO programme for becoming an Oral Health Therapist (OHP). Before this, they offered the jeugdtandverzorger study programme.
Higher professional education (hoger beroepsonderwijs, HBO). Dutch higher education distinguishes between research-oriented higher education (wetenschappelijk onderwijs, WO) and higher professional education (hoger beroepsonderwijs, HBO). HBO is more oriented towards professions in specific areas than WO, and has traditionally been offered at universities of applied sciences (hogescholen).
Research-oriented higher education (wetenschappelijk onderwijs, WO). Dutch higher education distinguishes between research-oriented higher education (wetenschappelijk onderwijs, WO) and higher professional education (hoger beroepsonderwijs, HBO). WO is oriented more towards theory and research than HBO, and has traditionally been offered at research universities (universiteiten).
Secondary vocational education (middelbaar beroepsonderwijs, MBO). MBO prepares pupils for the professional practice or further study. This type of education follows on from VMBO; its duration will depend on the chosen qualification. MBO comprises 4 levels (I-IV). Read more on the website of SBB.
Higher education | study programmes
In higher education, there are study programmes for various diplomas. We describe the diplomas we often see on our webpage about Surinam higher education. Study programmes in higher education need to be accredited by the Nationaal Orgaan Voor Accreditatie (NOVA).
Checking the accreditation of higher education study programmes
On the NOVA website, you can find an overview of accredited study programmes (in Dutch).