Grades and study results
Lower secondary education study results
The National Examinations Board (NEB) assesses lower secondary education study results (Certificate – Secondary Education Examination, Grade-10) as follows:
Percentages | Grade Point | Letter grade | Description |
90-100 | 3.6-4.0 | A+ | Outstanding |
80 tot 90 | 3.2-3.6 | A | Excellent |
70 tot 80 | 2.8-3.2 | B+ | Very Good |
60 tot 70 | 2.4-2.8 | B | Good |
50 tot 60 | 2.0-2.4 | C+ | Satisfactory |
40 tot 50 | 1.6-2.0 | C | Acceptable |
35 tot 40 | 1.6 | D+ | Basic |
< 35 | - | - | - |
Checking lower secondary education study results online
You can check lower secondary education study results online. Please note: on Nepali documents, dates are displayed according to the Nepali calender. The Nepali year is often followed by the year according to our (Gregorian) calender in brackets. Check in which Nepali year the diploma was obtained and use 1 of the following links to verify the study results:
Upper secondary education study results
From 2018, the NEB assesses upper secondary education study results (Migration Certificate – School Leaving Certificate Examination (Grade XI & XII)) as follows:
Percentages | Grade Point | Letter grade | Description |
90-100 | 4.0 | A+ | Out Standing |
80 to 90 | 3.6 | A | Excellent |
70 to 80 | 3.2 | B+ | Very Good |
60 to 70 | 2.8 | B | Good |
50 to 60 | 2.4 | C+ | Satisfactory |
40 to 50 | 2.0 | C | Acceptable |
30 to 40 | 1.6 | D+ | Partially Acceptable |
20 to 30 | 1.2 | D | Insufficient |
< 20 | 0.8 | E | Very Insufficient |
Checking upper secondary education study results online
Sometimes, you can check upper secondary education study results online. Please note: on Nepali documents, dates are displayed according to the Nepali calender. The Nepali year is often followed by the year according to our (Gregorian) calender in brackets. Check in which Nepali year the diploma was obtained and use that year to check the study results online.
Examples of stream subjects
When checking the study results of the Migration Certificate – School Leaving Certificate Examination (Grade XI & Grade XII), we also check if the student has passed at least 4 different stream subjects. The stream is not mentioned on the diploma. Therefore, we give examples of subjects from the education, humanities, law, management and science streams below. You can use these examples for evaluating the diploma yourself.
Please note: there will probably no longer be streams for diplomas from 2022 onwards. It is not yet clear what this means for our credential evaluations. If you would like to know the level of a diploma obtained in 2022, please contact us for a credential evaluation.
Education subjects
- Education and development
- Education pedagogy
- Health and physical education
- Instructional pedagogy and evaluation
- Introduction to education
- Population education
Humanities subjects
- Gender studies
- Geography
- History
- Linguistics
- Psychology
- Sociology
Law subjects
- Civil Laws and justice
- Const. Law & Nepali Constitution
- Criminal laws and justice
- General principle & Th. Of Law
- Human rights
- Nepali legal system
Management subjects
- Applied mathematics
- Business studies
- Finance
- Hotel management
- Marketing
- Principle of accounting
Science subjects
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer science
- Mathematics
- Physics
Secondary education documents
The National Examination Board (NEB) issues the official secondary education documents. Students conclude lower and upper secondary education with NEB exams for the following diplomas:
- Certificate – Secondary Education Examination, Grade 10 (lower secondary education). Students do not receive a transcript, the results are mentioned on the diploma.
- Migration Certificate – School Leaving Certificate Examination (Grade XI & XII) (upper secondary education). Students receive 2 documents: a diploma and a transcript.
Please note:
- Students often receive a character certificate from the high school as well. Character certificates are not official diplomas. Only diplomas and transcripts issued by the NEB are sufficient for a credential evaluation.
- If students want to continue studying, they can request a statement from the NEB confirming that the diploma has been obtained. The NEB can email this statement or send it in a sealed envelope to the educational institution where the student wants to study.
Higher education study results
In higher education, educational institutions have their own grading systems to assess study results. On the websites of higher education institutions, you can find information about the grading systems they use. Currently, Tribhuvan University assesses study results as follows:
Grade | Grade Point Average (GPA) | Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) | In procenten | Classification |
A | 4.0 | 4.00 | 90-100 | Distinction |
A- | 3.7 | 3.70-3.99 | 80-89.9 | Very good |
B+ | 3.3 | 3.30-3.69 | 70-79.9 | First division |
B | 3.0 | 3.00-3.29 | 60-69.9 | Second division |
B- | 2.7 | 2.70-2.99 | 50-59.9 | Pass in individual subject |
F | 2.70 | Below 2.70 | Below 50 | Fail |
Checking higher education study results
Sometimes, you can check higher education study results online. Usually, you can find the possibilities by checking the section ‘Results’ or ‘Notices’ on the websites of the educational institution. For example, see the website of Tribhuvan University’s Faculty of Law.
Please note: was it not possible to check the study results online? Then there is another possibility: there is often an online register for study programmes concerning a , in which you can check if students are registered. If you can find students in the register, then you know for sure that they have obtained the diploma. There are registers for the following fields of study:
- dental surgery and medicine: Nepal Medical Council database;
- engineering: Nepal Engineering Council register;
- law: Nepal Bar Council register;
- midwifery: midwifery register of the Nepal Nursing Council;
- nursing: nursing register of the Nepal Nursing Council;
- pharmacy: Nepal Pharmacy Council register.
Regulated profession
If a profession is regulated, this means you must meet certain requirements to be able to exercise the profession. The requirements for a regulated profession are described in the country’s laws. In every country there is an organisation for every regulated profession that verifies whether you meet the requirements. This kind of organisation is referred to as a ‘competent authority’.
Higher education documents
After completing a higher education study programme, students receive a diploma and a transcript.
Please note:
- Students often receive a character certificate from a campus as well. Character certificates are not official diplomas. The official diplomas are always issued by the university of a campus.
- Please note: on Nepali documents, dates are displayed according to the Nepali calender. The Nepali year is often followed by the year according to our (Gregorian) calender in brackets. If it is not, please search the internet for ‘date converter Nepal’ and enter the Nepali date. You can then convert the Nepali date to the date according to our (Gregorian) calender.