Primary and secondary education
Primary and secondary education in Iran
In Iran, children start primary school from the age of 6. Primary education / دبستان. lasts 6 years (grade 1-grade 6).
Secondary education lasts 6 years and is for students aged 12 to 18. Students are taught in Persian. Secondary education has 2 phases:
- lower secondary education (دوره اول متوسطه), concluded with exams for a Certificate of general education.
- upper secondary education (دوره دوم متوسطه), concluded with exames for a Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies. Students must choose a programme of study, which is mentioned on the diploma:
Please note: before 2019, there were other diplomas in secondary education:
Certificate of general education
This is the lower secondary education diploma. After lower secondary education, compulsory education ends.
- Duration: 3 years (grade 7-grade 9).
- Content: all students take the same subjects. They are mostly general education subjects, such as Persian, mathematics and history.
- Function of the diploma: access to upper secondary education.
- Diploma: Certificate of general education / گواهینامه دوره راهنمایی.
We compare a Certificate of general education / گواهینامه دوره راهنمایی to 2 years of .
Senior general secondary education (hoger algemeen voortgezet onderwijs, HAVO). A HAVO diploma is awarded upon successful completion of a 5-year programme of general secondary education.
Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies - theoretical
This is the upper secondary education diploma with the theoretical programme. This programme pays a lot of attention to theory. Students who finish lower secondary education with good results usually choose this programme in upper secondary level.
- Duration: 3 years (grade 10-grade 12).
- Content: all students take a number of general education subjects, such as Persian, a modern foreign language and mathematics. They also follow subjects for one of these specialisations:
- experimental sciences / علوم تجربی : science subjects, such as biology and chemistry;
- literature and humanities / ادبیات و علوم انسانی : literature and, for example, philosophy and economics;
- mathematics and physics / ریاضی فیزیک : subjects in the field of mathematics and physics.
- Function of the diploma: access to higher education.
- Diploma: Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies – theoretical / گواهينامهپايان تحصيلات دوره دوممتوسطه – نظری. Please note: before 2019, students could get the Certificate of completion of secondary school studies in the same programme of study.
We compare a Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies – theoretical/ گواهينامهپايان تحصيلات دوره دوممتوسطه – نظری to a HAVO diploma.
Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies - technical and vocational
This is the upper secondary education diploma with the technical and vocational programme. In this programme, the focus is on technical and practical subjects, such as electricity or mechanical engineering.
- Duration: 3 years (grade 10-grade 12).
- Content: all students take a number of general education subjects, such as Persian, a modern language and mathematics. They also choose a specialisation and follow subjects for that specialisation. There are many specialisations, such as agriculture or engineering.
- Function of the diploma: access to profession-oriented associate degree programmes.
- Diploma: Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies -technical and vocational / گواهينامهپايان تحصيلات دوره دوممتوسطه – فنی و حرفهای. Please note: before 2019, students could get the Certificate of completion of secondary school studies in the same programme of study.
We compare a Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies – technical and vocational / گواهينامهپايان تحصيلات دوره دوممتوسطه – فنی و حرفهای to a HAVO diploma for the general education part.
Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies - work and knowledge
This is the upper secondary education diploma with the work and knowledge programme. In this programme, the focus is mainly on practice. Students prepare themselves for a profession, for example in agriculture.
- Duration: 3 years (grade 10-grade 12).
- Content: all students take a number of general education subjects, such as Persian, a modern language and mathematics. They also choose one of the following specialisations:
- agriculture
- industry
- service industries
- Function of the diploma: possibly access to profession-oriented associate degree programmes.
- Diploma: Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies – work and knowledge / گواهينامهپايان تحصيلات دوره دوممتوسطه - کاردانش. Please note: before 2019, students could get the Certificate of completion of secondary school studies in the same programme of study.
We compare a Certificate of completion of upper secondary school studies – work and knowledge / گواهينامهپايان تحصيلات دوره دوممتوسطه - کاردانش to an diploma level 2 or 3. This depends on the content of the study programme.
Secondary vocational education (middelbaar beroepsonderwijs, MBO). MBO prepares pupils for the professional practice or further study. This type of education follows on from VMBO; its duration will depend on the chosen qualification. MBO comprises 4 levels (I-IV). Read more on the website of SBB.
Certificate of completion of secondary school studies
Before 2019, all students in upper secondary school sat exams for a Certificate of completion of secondary school studies after 3 years.
- Duration: 3 years.
- Content: most subjects are the same as in current upper secondary education.
- Diploma: 1 of the following diplomas:
- Certificate of completion of secondary school studies - theoretical / گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره متوسطه - نظری
- Certificate of completion of secondary school studies – technical and vocational / گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره متوسطه - فنی و حرفه ای
- Certificate of completion of secondary school studies – work and knowledge / گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره متوسطه - کاردانش
We compare a Certificate of completion of secondary school studies – theoretical / گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره متوسطه - نظری to 4 years of HAVO.
We compare a Certificate of completion of secondary school studies – technical and vocational / گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره متوسط - فنی و حرفه ای to an MBO diploma level 2 or 3. This depends on the content of the study programme.
We compare a Certificate of completion of secondary school studies – work and knowledge / گواهينامه پايان تحصيلات دوره متوسطه - کاردانش to an MBO diploma level 2 or 3. This depends on the content of the study programme.
Pre-university certificate
After the Certificate of completion of secondary school studies, students could study for a Pre-university certificate for 1 year. This was not compulsory for everyone, but you had to get this certificate if you wanted to continue on to higher education.
- Duration: 1 year.
- Content: all students took a number of general education subjects, such as Persian, a modern foreign language and mathematics. They also followed subjects for one of the following specialisations:
- art
- experimental sciences
- humanities
- mathematical sciences
- Diploma: Pre-university certificate /گواهينامه پايان دوره پیش دانشگاهی.
We compare a Pre-university certificate /گواهينامه پايان دوره پیش دانشگاهی to a HAVO diploma.