Higher education
Higher education in France
Unlike Dutch higher education, French higher education is not divided into and . French higher education institutions can offer both types of education. This often means that, for each diploma, we have to determine whether it is HBO or WO. Below, we describe the diplomas that we often see.
Higher professional education (hoger beroepsonderwijs, HBO). Dutch higher education distinguishes between research-oriented higher education (wetenschappelijk onderwijs, WO) and higher professional education (hoger beroepsonderwijs, HBO). HBO is more oriented towards professions in specific areas than WO, and has traditionally been offered at universities of applied sciences (hogescholen).
Research-oriented higher education (wetenschappelijk onderwijs, WO). Dutch higher education distinguishes between research-oriented higher education (wetenschappelijk onderwijs, WO) and higher professional education (hoger beroepsonderwijs, HBO). WO is oriented more towards theory and research than HBO, and has traditionally been offered at research universities (universiteiten).
Brevet de Technicien Supérieur
Students can obtain a Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) via a study programme at an Institut Universitaire de Technologie, a lycée or (sometimes) a private higher education institution.
- : 2 years.
- : 120 ECTS.
- Content: subjects concerning a particular profession. There are many fields of study, including non-technical fields.
- Admission requirements: one of the following diplomas:
- Diplôme du baccalauréat général
- Diplôme du baccalauréat professionnel
- Diplôme du baccalauréat technologique
- Diplôme national du brevet
Educational institutions can also consider another diploma sufficient for admission.
- Function of the diploma: work. Sometimes, students can gain access to higher education, such as a bachelor's programme.
- Diploma: Brevet de Technicien Supérieur.
The official length of the full-time programme (not part-time) without study delay.
Study load
The amount of time the average student needs to master the subject matter/course material. This includes both contact hours (education) and hours for self-study. Educational institutions describe the study load in credits, such as ECTS.
We compare a Brevet de Technicien Supérieur to an associate degree or 2 years of HBO.
Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie
Students can obtain a Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (DUT) via a 2-year technical study programme. They take their education at an Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT). IUTs usually only offer this type of short study programme.
- Duration: 2 years.
- Study load: 120 ECTS.
- Content: subjects concerning a technical profession. Students learn how to apply scientific theory to practice.
- Admission requirements: one of the following diplomas:
- Diplôme du baccalauréat général
- Diplôme du baccalauréat professionnel
- Diplôme du baccalauréat technologique
Educational institutions can also consider another diploma sufficient for admission.
- Function of the diploma: work. Sometimes, students can gain access to higher education, such as a bachelor’s programme.
- Diploma: Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie.
We compare a Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie to an associate degree or 2 years of HBO.
Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie
Students can obtain a Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie (BUT) via a study programme at Instituts Universitaires de Technologie (IUT’s). The BUT has existed since 2021.
- Duration: 3 years.
- Study load: 180 ECTS.
- Content: vocational subjects. Students can choose from 24 fields of study; see the IUT website (only in French).
- Admission requirements: one of the following diplomas:
- Function of the diploma: work. Sometimes, the diploma gives access to further education.
- Diploma: Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie.
We compare a Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie to an HBO bachelor’s degree.
Licence professionnelle
The licence professionnelle is one of the bachelor’s degrees in France. Various education institutions offer study programmes for this degree.
- Duration: 1 to 3 years.
- Study load: 60 to 180 ECTS.
- Content: usually vocational subjects, sometimes research-oriented subjects.
- Admission requirements: one of the following diplomas:
- Brevet de Technicien Supérieur
- Diplôme du baccalauréat général
- Diplôme du baccalauréat technologique
- Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie
Educational institutions can also consider another diploma sufficient for admission.
- Function of the diploma: work. Sometimes, the diploma gives access to further education.
- Diploma: Licence professionnelle.
We compare a Licence professionnelle to an HBO bachelor’s degree or a WO bachelor’s degree. This depends on the content and goal of the study programme.
The licence is one of the bachelor’s degrees in France. Universities in particular offer study programmes for a licence.
- Duration: 3 years.
- Study load: 180 ECTS.
- Content: usually research-oriented subjects, sometimes vocational subjects. Sometimes, students do an internship and/or write a thesis.
- Admission requirements: one of the following diplomas:
- Function of the diploma: access to master’s programmes or work.
- Diploma: Licence.
We compare a Licence to an HBO bachelor’s degree or a WO bachelor’s degree. This depends on the content and goal of the study programme.
Master's programmes are mainly offered at universities
- Duration: 2 years.
- Study load: 120 ECTS.
- Content: students first follow a basic year (M1) with general subjects in the chosen field of study. In the 2nd year (M2), they choose a specialisation. Sometimes, students have to do an internship. They usually write a thesis.
- Admission requirements: a licence. Educational institutions can also consider another diploma sufficient for admission.
- Function of the diploma: access to a PhD programme or work.
- Diploma: usually Master (without ‘of Science’ or ‘of Arts’). Other diploma names are also possible, such as Diplôme de Grande École.
We compare a Master to an HBO master’s degree or a WO master’s degree. This depends on the content and the goal of the study programme.
We compare a Diplôme de Grande École to an HBO master’s degree or a WO master’s degree. This depends on the content and the goal of the study programme.
Docteur (PhD)
PhD programmes are mainly offered at universities.
- Duration: at least 3 years.
- Content: students do academic research and write and defend a dissertation.
- Admission requirements: a Master.
- Diploma: Docteur.