Schools offering the European Baccalaureate programme

There are 2 types of school that can offer the European Baccalaureate programme (EB):

  • European Schools; and
  • other accredited schools.

European Schools

The European Schools were set up by the EB Board (Board of Governors of the European Schools). The EB Board manages and funds these schools. All European Schools are subject to the supervision of the Board of Inspectors. This board is made up of 2 inspectors from each member state (one for primary education and one for secondary). For the Netherlands, these inspectors are from the Education Inspectorate. The Board of Inspectors and the school management ensure the quality of the European Baccalaureate. For more information, see: Quality Assurance and Development in the European Schools.

Other accredited schools

The other accredited schools are secondary schools which were not set up by the EB Board. They can, however, offer the official EB programme and award the EB diploma (European Baccalaureate Certificate).

Checking the accreditation of EB schools

To evaluate a European Baccalaureate Certificate, we check the school’s . The Schola Europaea website contains overviews of accredited schools: